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Affordable housing thanks to city subsidies

Housing assistance

Ten-year terms available for assistance with rented accommodation

Assistance with rental accommodation can be applied for at any time, even after a tenancy agreement has been signed, and irrespective of age and marital status. A qualification certificate for social housing is not required. In addition, there are no restrictions regarding size of accommodation, the actual living area can be larger than the area eligible for subsidy. Tenants receive assistance of up to EUR 4 per square meter per month depending on income. A family of four can apply for assistance for up to 100 square meters. Income thresholds for a family of four are approximately EUR 92,000 gross, for two people around EUR 62,000 (up to 70 square meters).

Specimen calculation for housing assistance:

A two-person household with gross annual income of up to EUR 47,600 could receive monthly rental assistance of EUR 280 for 70 square meters of eligible living area.

A four-person household with gross annual income of up to EUR 65,600 could benefit from monthly rental assistance of EUR 400 for 100 square meters of eligible living area.

Residential building in Bahnstadt (Photo: Buck)

Subsidies for owner-occupied properties

Future property owners who meet the requirements may be eligible for favorable credit terms through the city administration from Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg (L-Bank). The upper income threshold for buyers in the case of a family of four is around EUR 75,000 gross per annum.

For rented properties, housing assistance is available to all – irrespective of marital status or age. In the case of owner-occupied properties, on the other hand, assistance is restricted to those living with one or more children under the age of 18 under the same roof, i.e. families, civil partners, long-term domestic partnerships and single-parents with at least one child belonging to the household, as well as to currently childless couples who are planning a family and wish to acquire the necessary living space.

Advice and further information:

Jens Treiber
Amt für Baurecht und Denkmalschutz der Stadt Heidelberg (Office for Building Law and Regulations and Protection of Historical Monuments of the city of Heidelberg)
- Abteilung Wohnbauförderung (Department for Housing Assistance) - 
Telefon 06221 58-25130
E-Mail: Jens.Treiber@heidelberg.de

Doris Götz
Amt für Baurecht und Denkmalschutz der Stadt Heidelberg (Office for Building Law and Regulations and Protection of Historical Monuments of the city of Heidelberg)
- Abteilung Wohnbauförderung (Department for Housing Assistance) - 
Telefon 06221 58-25720 
E-Mail: Doris.Goetz@heidelberg.de